
Friday, July 15, 2005

Auditioning for Champion
Opinion © 2005, by Guy L. Evans

July 15, 2005

The following is quoted from page 2 of this article from The Daily Standard:

The Electoral-Based Community
Why the rise of the left-wing blogosphere has been bad for the Democratic party.
by Dean Barnett
07/15/2005 12:00:00 AM

Perhaps most pathetically, these politicians’ earnest efforts to win Moulitsas’s affections often fall flat. On the Daily Kos, the “front page” gets the heaviest traffic; a typical diary languishes in obscurity, one of dozens of similar efforts offered each day by the community unless Moulitsas plucks it from relative anonymity and promotes it to the front page. The vast majority of diaries written by politicians for the site do not get promoted to the front page. Moulitsas didn’t even deem Ted Kennedy’s screed worthy of special note.

Yet the kowtowing continues. What makes the endeavor ridiculous is that Moulitsas and other left-wing bloggers want substance: They don’t want their rhetorical style aped--they want a politician to champion their far-left views. And yet the Democratic party has adopted the juvenile patois of the left-wing blogs without any corresponding shift in position, so they continue to pitch their woo in vain. These stylistic makeovers are transparent and therefore unsuccessful; the left-wing blog readers presumably see as clearly as anyone else that Harry Reid is an unconvincing firebrand, Ted Kennedy is not a credible champion of accountability, and Robert Byrd is a preposterous nominee for American hero.
I am reminded of the following quote:

“The quality of ideas seems to play a minor role in mass movement leadership. What counts is the arrogant gesture, the complete disregard of the opinion of others, the single handed defiance of the world.” -- Eric Hoffer, The True Believer
It appears that the Left is shopping for their champion, for someone who truly believes their vision of the world. They want someone who with “single handed defiance of the world” will emerge from the wilderness and sweep America to a new age of enlightenment.

You have to feel sorry for them, in a way. After all, champions are rare. The problem for the American left is that you just never know if your champion will be Moses or Hitler. For example, just when the left thought that Howard Dean might be their champion, he turned out to be a fool.

The modern American left needs a champion. They are incompetent, immature people who rely on strongly held fantasies of exaggerated self-worth to fortify them against the frustrations and defeats they encounter in real life. They have lost their self-confidence. They feel defeated. And like defeated people throughout history, they dream of a champion to rescue them from uncertainty and disappointment.

On an aside, self-examination is not an option for these people. If they discovered that they could achieve their aims by simply changing their behavior, then they are afraid that they may actually turn into *gasp* Republicans! They prefer familiar, self-defeating behaviors to unfamiliar, self-fulfilling behaviors.

The Modern American left needs a champion because everything they do fails. A champion can’t fail. The big names in the Democratic Party continue to audition for the role of Champion, but so far, they are all falling short.

The problem for the paranoid, narcissistic left is in their maladaptive behavior, and ultimately in their incapacity to understand that they are defeating themselves. The good news (or, the bad news, depending on your point of view) is that they will only get worse as they grow older.

They are responsible for their own behavior, and are therefore worthy of little if any pity.

Guy L. Evans
Aurora, Colorado

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Miso’s Warped Mind
Opinion © 2005, by Guy L. Evans

July 13, 2005

The following is an excerpt of a letter that I sent to a family whose child is severely disturbed. I have changed the name and gender so that the child in question is presented as a male. I do this in the hope that you may see some similarities in people you know, especially people who provoke uncontrollable hostility in you.

I no longer communicate with this family. Their child’s capacity to provoke hostility in me is greater than my ability to dispel that hostility. Knowing my own limitations, I advised them to get their child into counseling, and let them know that I could not do anything for them. It is a sad situation. However, I am satisfied that I have done all that I can do.

Note: Miso is derived from the Greek word for hatred. The child in question possesses a pathological hatred for everyone and everything, and is gripped by paranoia.

[Begin text]

It has been quite the adventure learning what makes Miso tick. I have come to the conclusion that there is only one word to describe him:


By his own set of rules (that no one else is privy to), Miso is invincible. He takes every fact that enters his mind and bends it and shapes it until it turns out magically that he is the pitiable, misunderstood victim of other people’s evil schemes. By his own judgment, Miso--who is deliberately rude, critical, hostile, abusive, contemptuous, manipulative, and dishonest--never does anything wrong. Yet other people who do exactly the same things to Miso that he does to them are evil, guilty, and incompetent. Miso’s capacity to warp reality is astonishing.

Miso is a jukebox that plays only one song. No matter what buttons you push, all you get is irrational, overstated hostility and inconsolable bitterness. If you are nice to him, he attacks you. If you are angry with him, he attacks you. Nothing you do or say can dissuade him from attacking you. In his world, other people are bad and he is good; therefore, anything he does is good, and everything you do is bad, even when it’s the same thing. He is so irrational that he can’t even admit that he is being abusive and hostile.

Eventually, reality and Miso will collide, and Miso will lose. It’s happened so many times before that you think he would have learned by now. But, he is incapable of learning. He is in a power struggle with the Cosmos, and the Cosmos is going to chew him up and spit him out.

He has constructed a system that permits him to excuse his own behavior by accusing other people of bad behavior. Excusing himself by accusing others makes Miso feel invincible. It’s so simple. The accusation that you did something bad, whether true or not, expunges all guilt from Miso. There’s no point in examining Miso’s behavior because yours is so much worse. In his mind, it works every time.

For him, his system of bending reality to suit his needs works so well that he has no incentive to change. He can get his emotional needs met by simply convincing himself that he is right about everything. He has developed the capacity to magically transform his ignorance into divine inspiration, and his imagination into reality. This is very damaging and dangerous for him, but he believes he is invincible.

He is convinced that he has found the perfect scheme for evading responsibility for his own behavior and taking advantage of other people. Miso is a manipulator.

Miso can’t give what he doesn’t possess. I find it impossible to image that Miso, so completely lacking in empathy, joy, education, and a sense of humor, can be a good [friend]. His ceaseless hostility, anger, pouting, blaming, criticizing, and gloom must be taking a terrible toll on [his friends]. His act about being impossible to please and putting other people into situations where everything they do is wrong [drives everyone] crazy.

He sees himself as the pitiable, blameless, Uber-Victim of other people’s meanness and incompetence. Other people see him as aloof, critical, ignorant, unpleaseable, uncompromising, unempathetic, hostile, abusive, dishonest, know-it-all, manipulative, and slightly crazy.

I don’t know if the rest of you can help him. Please try to stop enabling him. I know you feel guilty about being angry with him. Don’t feel guilty. Miso is responsible for his own feelings and behavior; you are not.

Miso needs to learn how to ask for favors instead of demanding obedience, issuing commands and threats, and engaging in crazy talk. And he needs to learn how to accept “no” as an answer without going to pieces.

I’d like to help him understand that making everyone else miserable is simply wrong. He has no right to make other people suffer any more than they have any right to make him suffer.

But, Miso is invincible, at least in his own mind. He is impervious. He doesn’t need to learn how to do things differently when he already knows how to transfer blame to the rest of the guilty human race that angers him so.
[End text]

The child in question is such a mess because the parents never held the child accountable for his/her behavior. The child has been able to evade responsibility by manipulating the parents, and now the situation is a catastrophe. The parents fear the child’s tantrums, and seek appeasement to keep him/her calm. They live in fear of their own child.

Please pray for these people. Thank you.

Guy L. Evans
Aurora, Colorado

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Joy of Hating Bush
Opinion © 2005, by Guy L. Evans

July 11, 2005

While reviewing an article on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I ran into this revealing comment:

NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) affect is generally nonchalant, imperturbable, and characterized by feigned tranquility. This changes when individuals with NPD experience a loss of confidence. Then they become enraged and may experience feelings of shame and emptiness. If these individuals lose their narcissistic feelings of easy superiority, they become irritable, annoyed, and subject to repeated bouts of dejection and humiliation (Millon & Davis, pp. 405-408).

Richards (1993, p. 249) notes that individuals with NPD frequently experience rage, indignation, and frustrated entitlement. Kernberg (1992, pp. 21-22) suggests that hatred is the core affect of severe personality disorders. He believes that the hatred derives from rage which, early in life, served to eliminate pain but became useful, later in life, to eliminate obstacles to gratification. Beck (1990, p. 235) suggests that individuals with NPD experience intense envy, fear, and rage. They are particularly angry when others do not accord them admiration or respect (Beck, 1990, p. 50).

NPD rage is more tolerable to these individuals than the shame and envy that is associated with helplessness, a sense of ugliness, and impotence (McWilliams, 1994, p. 172).
Of greatest importance is the comment, “Kernberg (1992, pp. 21-22) suggests that hatred is the core affect of severe personality disorders. He believes that the hatred derives from rage which, early in life, served to eliminate pain but became useful, later in life, to eliminate obstacles to gratification.”

In short, hatred serves to eradicate pain and to eliminate obstacles to gratification. The Bush haters hate Bush because it is the most effect method they have for coping with the unacceptable reality that he, George W. Bush, is actually the President of the United States. In their minds, it is better to fill your soul with hate than to calmly accept the unpleasant reality of the situation.

This seems bizarre to normal people. I think it is bizarre. But, with this understanding, it puts the Bush haters into perspective. They can’t handle reality. They can’t tolerate being told that they lost. They are spoiled, crybaby brats. They should go to their rooms until they learn to behave themselves.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If you hate George W. Bush, grow up.

Guy L. Evans
Aurora, Colorado

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Controlling Hugh Hewitt’s Impulses
Opinion © 2005, by Guy L. Evans

July 10, 2005

Last Friday, July 8, 2005, Hugh Hewitt interviewed Boston Globe columnist Tom Oliphant. Oliphant is on the record as calling government assertions that the U. S. is making progress in pacifying Iraq “bunkum”.

Hugh pressed his guest on the subject of attacking Iran. Hugh posed the hypothetical question of whether the U. S. should attack Iran if we could verify that Iran was within one week of having a nuclear weapon. Oliphant’s answer was that under no circumstances should be attack Iran because “we haven’t thought through enough this question of what we’d do the day after we satisfy our impulses.” The link to the transcript of the interview is at Radioblogger. Hugh ran out of time, and the interview ended.

In my opinion, Oliphant’s comment was a direct provocation. Hugh Hewitt is a bright guy. However, Hugh, like most conservatives, continues to make one critical mistake when dealing with liberals: He continues to presume that their thinking is rational.

Liberals are paranoid and passive aggressive. They experience anxiety. They interpret these feelings as evidence of maliciousness, callousness, and incompetence by other people. They assign blame to others without ever taking responsibility for their own participation in the matter. They feel strong hostility toward people they don’t trust. They tend to be impulsive. They act out their hostility, but are afraid to do so directly. So, they do what Boston Globe columnist Tom Oliphant did; they say or do something to provoke people, but they do it in such a way as to avoid direct confrontation.

By inserting the supposition that the U. S. attacks other countries out of impulse without leaving Hugh Hewitt the opportunity to respond, Tom Oliphant achieved his goal. He tweaked Hugh, and left him unable to respond--sort of an intellectual hit-and-run. This is what liberals consider to be a victory. I imagine that Oliphant went away from the interview thinking he really got in a good shot at the end.

Hugh Hewitt, and conservatives in general, need to familiarize themselves with the paranoid, passive aggressive personality types. Here are links to two outstanding articles that will help everyone understand the liberal state of mind, their outlook, their tactics, and their goals:

Paranoid types: http://www.toad.net/~arcturus/dd/paranoid.htm

Passive aggressive types: http://www.toad.net/~arcturus/dd/papd.htm

The short answer is that liberals are cowards. Cowards are bullies. Bullies are pathologically hostile. No matter what you do, they respond with hostility. When they can’t bully you, they resort to deception. They are manipulators. But they are never your friends. You can’t be friends with people who are hostile to you.

They are afraid to express their hostility directly, so they are negative, contrary, disagreeable, blaming, complaining, moody, angry, and so forth. They will attribute malicious intent and incompetence to others, and assign blame as they see fit. They provoke hostility in others while refusing to take responsibility for their own provocative behavior, and use the hostility of others to justify their own hostility. They are manipulators.

Conservatives must get it into their heads that there will never be any compromise with liberals because such people are pathologically hostile to conservatives. Get your crayon and write this down:

They hate you because they feel irrational hostility. They always feel hostility. No matter what happens, what you say, what you do, or what you don’t do, they still feel hostility toward you. Understand this. Learn it. Know it.

How do you deal with such people? Treat them as you would treat normal people. If they react with hostility, it isn’t your fault. Stop blaming yourself.

If you are afraid of confronting hostile people, then you lose and they win. Confrontation should be even tempered, direct, and limited. Identify the specific behavior that you find unacceptable, and tell them that you don’t have to put up with that behavior.

Do not continue to make the mistake of dealing with these people in good faith. Their hostility is irrational and compulsive. They can’t control how they feel, and you aren’t responsible for their hostility.

You may feel some sadness that you can’t extend the hand of friendship to such people. You may also feel anger and disgust. You are justified in feeling this way. Train yourself to not return hostility for hostility.

To me there is no difference between leftists, liberals, paranoids, and passive aggressive types. They are all manipulators. Their primary coping skill is to provoke other people into behaving in ways we don’t want to behave. We don’t want to be angry and hostile, but they make us feel anger and hostility.

My personal approach to such people is to feel completely disgusted with them--their hostility is not justified, nor will I excuse them--and to move them politely but firmly away from me. I also try to deliberately provoke their paranoia just enough to make them feel very uneasy with me. I let them know that to me their fear is obvious.

Tom Oliphant was able to provoke and manipulate Hugh Hewitt by throwing an outrageous comment out at the end of the interview. The advice I give to myself, and which I offer to everyone else when confronted with such people, is to calm yourself and to advocate for yourself. Don’t let them see you get upset. It’s what they want.

Guy L. Evans
Aurora, Colorado

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